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Gachadipadi Acharya Nityanand Suriji Maharaj Saheb

शांतिधूत गच्छाधिपति आचार्य श्रीमद नित्यानंदसूरीश्वर्जी म.सा. जन्म : वि.सं. २०१५ (दिल्ली) दीक्षा तारीख : वि.सं. २०२४ , बदौत (उत्तर प्रदेश) दीक्षा गुरु : मुनि श्री अनेकंत विजय जी महाराज दीक्षा प्रदाता : आचार्य श्री विजय समरूर्द्रसूरीश्वर्जी म.सा. यह लेख नित्यानंद (निताई) संत (१४७४) के बारे में है।  नित्यानन्द जी का जन्म एक…

Jain Philosophy (2) 14 – Shad Dravya (Six Universal Substances)

Jain Philosophy (2) 14 – Shad Dravya (Six Universal Substances) Shad Dravya (Six Universal Substances) Since the dawn of civilization, men in different times have tried to solve the riddle of the Universe. They have tried to find out what the Universe was, what was its origin and destiny, its…

Chapter 18 – Six Substances Part II – Non-Living Substances (Ajiv)

Chapter 18 – Six Substances Part II – Non-Living Substances (Ajiv) Non-living Substances (Ajiv) Anything that does not have life or consciousness is Ajiv.   Ajiv literally means without a soul and therefore, they cannot accumulate any karma.   They do not have birth, death, pleasure, or pain; they are Achetan (inert). …